Page 40 - General Catalogo Acessorios 2022
P. 40

FOR THE LIFE                                                                                                                                        LIMITS WITHOUT SACRIFICING                                                      PARTS & GARAGE
                                                                                                                                                                     PARTS THAT PUSH THE
                                                                                                                                                              STRENGTH AND DURABILITY.
                                                                                                                                                            We build our products so anyone with the
        OF YOUR RIDE                                                                                                                                            right tools can maintain their vehicle.

    MAINTENANCE                                                                                                                                                                        DRIVE BELT                                           MAINTENANCE
               TIP                   AIR FILTER                                                                                                                                        Polaris Engineered belts deliver unmatched performance for
                                                                                                                                                                                       your off-road vehicle . Developed and tested on all our engines
                                                                                                                                                                                       for all environments and conditions . Check your belt for
                                     A clogged air filter can restrict air                                                                                                             delamination, hour glassing and glazing .
                                     flow to the engine leading to
     BREAK-IN PERIOD                 reduced engine performance,                                                                                                                       BREAK-IN PERIOD
                                     engine life or catastrophic failure .                                                                                                             • Use lower gear (if available) while varying speeds and avoid
     The break-in period for your new                                                                                                                                                   wide open throttle for 8-16 km                      OIL & LUBRICANTS
     GENERAL is the first 25 hours of                                                                                                                                                  • If no low gear is available, vary at moderate speeds while
     operation, or the time it takes to                                                                                                                                                 avoiding wide open throttle for 80 km
     use the first two tanks of fuel . No
     single action on your part is as
     important as a proper break-in                                                                                                                                                    OUR INVESTMENT        YOUR ADVANTAGE
     period . Careful treatment of a   BRAKE PADS                                                                                                                                      •  32,187 km of field testing  •  No clutch recalibration
     new engine will result in more                                                                                                                                                                                                         HD PARTS
     efficient performance and longer   Maintaining and/or replacing                                                                                                                   •  Thousands of dyno hours  •  Less wear and tear due to heat
     life for the engine .           brakes are critical to the safety                                                                                                                 •  18+ months of development    •  Ensure maximum vehicle performance
                                     and functionally of a vehicle .                                                                                                                    (13,000+ design hours) per belt  •  More time riding, less time wrenching
                                     Brake pads should be checked
     NOTICE: Excessive heat build-up during the   for wear and oil or grease                                                                                                           •  1,500+ vehicle validation hours  •  Produced in collaboration with
     first three hours of operation will damage   (petroleum products)                                                                                                                 •  Collaboration with powertrain    powertrain and clutch engineers to
     close-fitted engine parts. Do not operate at   contamination and brake discs                                                                                                       and clutch engineers  ensure a perfect fit, maximum
     full throttle or high speeds for extended   should be checked for cracks,                                                                                                                                performance and ultimate durability
     periods during the first three hours of use.  excessive corrosion or warping .                                                                                                                                                         SERVICE PARTS

                                                                                                                                                                                                OIL FILTER

                                     HALF SHAFT                                                                                                      BATTERY                                    Change oil filters with every oil
                                                                                                                                                                                                change to provide the best engine
                                     Check for tears and punctures in the                                                                            To ensure a battery maintains its level of   protection and keep the engine           & TRAILERING  CLEANERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                operating at peak performance .
                                     boot, which can lead to CV joint wear                                                                           charge when unused for extended periods of
                                     that can contribute to axle failure .                                                                           time or during freezing weather, the battery
                                                                                                                                                     should be connected to a suitable battery
                                                                                                                                                     charger . Be sure to check for corrosion from
                                                                                                                                                     the terminals to the ends of the cables .
                                                                                                                                                                                            FOLLOW RECOMMENDED SERVICE
                                                                                                                                                                                        INTERVALS IN THE OWNER'S MANUAL


                  25 HRS / 400 km           50 HRS / 800 km           100 HRS / 1,600 km       150 HRS / 2,400 km                   200 HRS / 3,200 km            250 HRS / 4,023 km           300 HRS / 4,828 km
           BREAK-IN                              6                      12                       18                                  24                           30                           36                       CHECK YOUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        OWNER'S MANUAL
           MAINTENANCE                                                                                                                                                                                                  FOR ADDITIONAL
                                             MONTHS                     MONTHS                    MONTHS                               MONTHS                       MONTHS                        MONTHS                RECOMMENDED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SERVICE ITEMS
                   ENGINE OIL &          EXHAUST SYSTEM:                ENGINE OIL &              ENGINE OIL &                          ENGINE OIL &                 ENGINE OIL &                  ENGINE OIL &         AND VEHICLE-
                    OIL FILTER:           INSPECT & CLEAN                 OIL FILTER:              OIL FILTER:                           OIL FILTER:                   OIL FILTER:                  OIL FILTER:         SPECIFIC TIMING
                        CHANGE           INSPECT FOR LEAKAGE OR              CHANGE                    CHANGE                                CHANGE                       CHANGE                        CHANGE
                                       CARBON BUILD UP AT JOINTS
                      GENERAL            INSPECT & CLEAN SCREEN          DRIVE BELT:                  BATTERY:                  BRAKE PADS & FLUID:                      BATTERY:                   AIR FILTER:
                 LUBRICATION:             TYPE SPARK ARRESTOR       INSPECT & ADJUST             TEST, CLEAN &                      INSPECT & CLEAN                  TEST, CLEAN &           INSPECT & REPLACE
           ALL FITTINGS, PIVOTS,                                       REPLACE AS NEEDED     CHECK FLUID LEVEL                  REPLACE BRAKE FLUID             CHECK FLUID LEVEL                    AS NEEDED
                   CABLES, ETC.                  GENERAL                                         REPLACE AS NEEDED                     REPLACE AS NEEDED            REPLACE AS NEEDED
                                            LUBRICATION:              TRANSMISSION                                                                                                                 GEARCASE &
                    AIR FILTER:              ALL FITTINGS,                    FLUID:               DRIVE BELT:                         SPARK PLUGS:                   DRIVE BELT:              TRANSMISSION:
             INSPECT & REPLACE        PIVOTS, CABLES, ETC.                   CHANGE          INSPECT & ADJUST                               INSPECT              INSPECT & ADJUST               REPLACE FLUIDS
                     AS NEEDED                                                                   REPLACE AS NEEDED                     REPLACE AS NEEDED            REPLACE AS NEEDED
                                              DRIVE BELT:                AIR FILTER:                                                                                                         EXHAUST SYSTEM:
              EXHAUST SYSTEM:            INSPECT & ADJUST         INSPECT & REPLACE                     TIRES:                           AIR FILTER:                     GENERAL               INSPECT & CLEAN
               INSPECT & CLEAN              REPLACE AS NEEDED             AS NEEDED         INSPECT CONDITION                     INSPECT & REPLACE                 LUBRICATION:              INSPECT FOR LEAKAGE OR
              INSPECT FOR LEAKAGE OR                                                               & PRESSURE                             AS NEEDED                 ALL FITTINGS,           CARBON BUILD UP AT JOINTS
            CARBON BUILD UP AT JOINTS                              EXHAUST SYSTEM:                                                                            PIVOTS, CABLES, ETC.
                                                                                             EXHAUST SYSTEM:                                                                                  INSPECT & CLEAN SCREEN
              INSPECT & CLEAN SCREEN                                INSPECT & CLEAN                                               EXHAUST SYSTEM:                                               TYPE SPARK ARRESTOR
                TYPE SPARK ARRESTOR                                INSPECT FOR LEAKAGE OR     INSPECT & CLEAN                       INSPECT & CLEAN             EXHAUST SYSTEM:
                                                                  CARBON BUILD UP AT JOINTS   INSPECT FOR LEAKAGE OR                                              INSPECT & CLEAN
                                                                                           CARBON BUILD UP AT JOINTS               INSPECT FOR LEAKAGE OR        INSPECT FOR LEAKAGE OR
                                                                   INSPECT & CLEAN SCREEN                                        CARBON BUILD UP AT JOINTS     CARBON BUILD UP AT JOINTS
                                                                     TYPE SPARK ARRESTOR     INSPECT & CLEAN SCREEN                INSPECT & CLEAN SCREEN
                                                                                               TYPE SPARK ARRESTOR
                                                                                                                                     TYPE SPARK ARRESTOR        INSPECT & CLEAN SCREEN
                                                                                                                                                                  TYPE SPARK ARRESTOR
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