Page 42 - General Catalogo Acessorios 2022
P. 42

                                                                                                                                   THE LIFE OF YOUR RIDE                                                                                    PARTS & GARAGE

                                                                                                                                   All Polaris fluids—from anti–freeze to brake fluid—are developed for your
                                                                                                                                   vehicle. Trust the only fluids perfectly engineered for your needs.

                                                                        FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR RIDE
                                                                        ONLY THE BEST WILL DO
                                                                                                                                                                                                     DOT 4 BRAKE FLUID
                                                                        To create the best oil for any terrain, we invest                                                                            Polaris DOT 4 Brake Fluid is a high-quality brake fluid
                                                                        in rigorous testing to ensure our oil delivers the                                                                           designed for use in Polaris hydraulic brakes . Superior
                                                                        consistency and performance you demand. The                                                                                  high-temp characteristics plus anti-corrosive additives   MAINTENANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                     extend the life of brake system components and provide
                                                                        results are Polaris Engineered Lubricants that                                                                               consistent, positive braking .
                                                                        are tested and perfected to deliver excellent                                                                                  » 250 mL • 502526
                                                                        total engine protection for the life of your ride.

                                                                        WHAT COUNTS IN OIL TESTING:                                                                                                                                         OIL & LUBRICANTS
                                                                        1. Does it protect the engine at high temperatures?                                                                          Polaris Extended Life Coolant contains organic acid
                                                                                                                                                                                                     technologies to prevent corrosion on metal components,
                                                                        2. Does it keep the engine free from carbon and buildup?                                                                     eliminate scaling, and maximize cooling system
                                                                        3. Does the oil hold its viscosity over time?                                                                                performance .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            OIL & LUBRICANTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                       » 1 L • 502566
                                                                                                                                                                                                       » 25 L • 502567
                                                                        ENGINE CHECKPOINTS                                                                                                             » 206 L • 502568
                                                                        When evaluating an engine oil and its ability to protect                                                                                                            HD PARTS
        SPECIFIC NEEDS,                                                 and preserve the engine’s power output and lifespan,                                                                         AGL
                                                                        Polaris engineers focus on key areas within the engine,
        SPECIFIC OILS                                                   RING LANDS: Poor oxidative performance can lead to carbon                                                                    Polaris ®  ORV transmission life . Extreme pressure additives
                                                                                                                                                                                                     A proprietary blend of additives designed to optimize
                                                                        some of the most critical ones include:
                                                                                                                                                                                                     protect gears, drive chain, and bearings from scoring and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     wear . Unlike typical gear case oils, AGL’s unique viscosity
                                                                                                                                                                                                     range allows instant flow and film protection in extreme
                                                                        and varnish buildup, which results in poor ring seal and loss
                                                                                                                                                                                                     cold or high heat environments .
                                                                        of power, combustion blow by and fuel dilution of the oil.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       » 25 L • 502507
                                                                        PISTON RINGS: During the combustion process, extreme                                                                           » 1 L • 502505                       SERVICE PARTS
        Polaris invests millions in engine development, and part of that   pressures are placed on the top ring, forcing it outward                                                                    » 200 L • 502508
        investment is making sure its lubricants—critical to engine performance—  toward the cylinder wall, sealing the combustion chamber.
        are the right formula for your specific engine. The amount of testing data   With so much force applied, poor oil film strength between
        and engineering resources used in developing Polaris lubricants would   the top ring and the cylinder wall can lead to cylinder wear and                                                     DEMAND DRIVE FLUID
        overwhelm an aftermarket company. Therefore, the aftermarket must   loss of power.                                                                                                           Engineered specifically for Polaris ORV front drive   & TRAILERING
        spec an oil to an industry–wide standard that must account for a variety                                                                                                                     systems . Provides positive 4WD engagement in extreme   CLEANERS
        of operating parameters.                                        ROD BEARINGS: Engine bearings ride on an extremely thin                                                                      cold or high heat conditions . Unique friction additives
                                                                        hydrodynamic film of oil. Poor oil film strength or using an                                                                 protect internal components under heavy loads and
        PS-4 is designed specifically for Polaris 4-cycle engines and has high film   oil with a thinner viscosity, can lead to premature bearing                                                    promote positive engagement .
        strength and wear protection under extreme loads and temperatures.   wear or even engine failure. Using an oil with high film                                                                  » 1 L •  502563
        Exclusive anti-wear additives protect engine parts with extra rust and   strength and a strong viscosity, like PS-4 full synthetic, will                                                       » 25 L • 502564
        corrosion protection.                                           extend the service life of your engine.                                                                                        » 200 L • 502565

                                                                        CAMSHAFT: Direct Acting Overhead Camshafts are used        Proper lubricant application and timing will ensure
                                                                        on many Polaris Prostar Engines. In this application the
                                                                        camshaft pushes directly on the valve, creating very       optimal vehicle performance. Please refer to your
                                      PS–4 EXTREME–
        PS–4 SYNTHETIC                DUTY SYNTHETIC                    high contact pressures compared to other camshaft          owner’s manual for lubricant change interval schedules.
        PERFORMANCE OIL               PERFORMANCE  OIL                  configurations. These forces are so great that inferior oil can
                                                                        break down and be forced out of the contact area leading to
        •  PS-4 is optimal for ambient operating   •  PS-4 Extreme Duty is optimal for ambient   increased wear. PS-4 full synthetic additives are specifically
         temperatures of -40° C to 40° C  operating temperatures of -20° C to 55° C
                                                                        designed to provide wear protection against this.
           » 1 L • 502484                » 1 L • 502491                                                                                     CARBON                  FUEL                      ANGLE DRIVE               PREMIUM GAS
                                                                                                                                            CLEAN                   STABILIZER                FLUID                     SHOCK OIL
           » 4 L • 502485                » 4 L • 502492
           » 25 L • 502486               » 25 L • 502494                OIL DEVELOPMENT                                                     Polaris Carbon Clean    Fuel Stabilizer prevents     » 1 L • 502510            » 1 L • 502518
                                                                                                                                            prevents ethanol        ethanol corrosion and
           » 60 L • 502487               » 60 L • 502496                                                                                    corrosion, stabilizes   stabilizes fuel for up to     » 25 L • 502511
           » 200 L • 502488              » 200 L • 502497                                                                                   fuel, and cleans fuel   2 years . Dual-             » 202 L • 502512
                                                                                                                                                                    antioxidant formula
                                                                                                                                            injectors, piston ring
                                                                          12 DEDICATED                18+                                   lands, intake systems,   protects against gum      SPORTSMAN,
                                                                                                                                                                                               RANGER, RZR
                                                                         TEAM MEMBERS              MONTHS                                   and combustions         and varnish for easy       ANGLE DRIVE GEAR
                                                                                                                                            chambers . Helps
                                                                                                                                                                    starting .
                                                                                                                                                                                               CASE SYSTEMS
        PS–4 OIL CHANGE KIT                                                                                                                 maintain peak HP and       » 125 mL • 502519
        •  Contains the correct amount of oil for your                     FOCUSED ON          DEVELOPMENT                                  improves fuel economy .
         vehicle and correct oil filter                                    POLARIS OIL            & TESTING                                   » 125 mL • 502528
           » 502541
         SINGLE 570, TWIN 600, TWIN 700, TWIN 800
           » 502543
         RANGER/RZR 900/1000                                                 64,374               75,000+
           » 502542                                                                                                                                                                                                     ALL–SEASON
         330500, SPORTSMAN 550/850/1000                                    KILOMETERS               HOURS                                                                                                               GREASE TUBE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           » 400 g •  502538
                                                                               FIELD                 DYNO
                                                                             TESTING               TESTING
   40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    41
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